Early Childhood and School Education
Our goal is to transform the academic achievement of our children and young people across pre-primary, primary and secondary education. We promote continuous improvement in academic achievement, which is underpinned and enriched by culturally relevant curriculum development and delivery. We:
- Encourage structural reform, informed by the relationships, structures and practices that existed during the COAG Trial.
- Seek to ensure that all children of pre-school age have access to early childhood socialisation and education; that early childhood services in each community are adequately resourced and well integrated; that parental engagement is a consistent feature of programme design and delivery; and that a holistic approach to early intervention is consistently delivered to support the transition to school.
- Encourage participation in education for all children of school age to HSC.
- Support constructive working relationships between MPRA and schools, CWPs and schools, and between parents and schools.
- Advocate for region-wide delivery of allied programmes and strategies proven to improve educational attainment by children; improved cultural literacy of teachers; a much greater presence of Aboriginal adults in teaching, support and governance roles; and greater engagement of Elders in delivery of cultural education, language education and supporting excursions and field trips.
- Advocate for initiatives to support Aboriginal students’ attainment and wellbeing
- Support initiatives which build the capacity of families, parents and carers of children to improve educational outcomes