Our Vision
Our vision is:
"To establish Aboriginal jurisdiction in the Murdi Paaki region based on recognition of our human rights as Aboriginal Peoples, political, social and cultural respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australian society, and equitable participation in the economic development in the Murdi Paaki region."
Our vision will be achieved by:
- Exercising our rights and freedoms as Aboriginal Peoples
- The good governance and administration of our regional governing body, its ancillary organisations, and State and Commonwealth agencies
- Working in equitable partnership with governments at all levels
- Strengthening and preserving our culture and our lifestyles
- Supporting and enhancing the living standards of our people
- Working together towards self-sufficiency in all of our activities and in each other’s interest
- Improving the access of our people to services and the way they are delivered
Our goals are to:
- Ensure Aboriginal people participate in all decision-making that affects our lives
- Connect Aboriginal people with all service delivery arrangements
- Have a legislative regime which reinforces the connection between Aboriginal participation and accountable service delivery by government agencies to provide an authoritative and consistent framework of shared responsibility and accountability
- Influence and control the way policies and services are implemented