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Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly celebrates 20 years in Cobar on 20 June 2024, with celebrations and presntations.
Maari Ma Aboriginal Health Corporation has congratulated the new Chair of the Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly (MPRA), Des Jones.
Following a rigorous judging process, Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation (Western Desert Dialysis) was selected as the winner of the Category A Award for incorporated organisations, while Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly (Murdi Paaki) was honoured as winner of the Category B Award for non-incorporated projects.
The Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly (MPRA) believes not enough change will happen in the local government reform of the Far West and it is calling for a more innovative model to take the region into the future.
Eight of Australia’s top Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations have been selected from a record pool of nominees in the prestigious 2012 Indigenous Governance Awards (IGAs).
Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly has been nominated as one(1) of three (3) finalists for the Category B- Indigenous Governance Award from Reconciliation Australia!