Murdi Paaki Region Land sites
The Murdi Paaki Region occupies greater than forty per cent of the land mass of New South Wales, extending from the Queensland border in the north to the Victorian border in the south and from Collarenebri in the east to the South Australian border in the west. The region encompasses seven complete Local Government Areas, portions of two more, and the Unincorporated Far West.
In the Murdi Paaki region, the Indigenous Land Council owns 11 properties that cover a total of 164 065.518 hectares of land. The following table shows the name of the property, the size of the property, the date the land was granted and the body that holds the land.
Property |
Area (ha) |
Date granted |
Title holding body |
Eurool |
4518 |
15/10/2015 |
Eurool Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation |
Canoon |
1026.76 |
29/10/1999 |
Boorabee Aboriginal Corporation |
Mogila |
26760.8 |
26/06/1998 |
Ngurampaa Ltd |
Cowga |
9376.53 |
09/11/1998 |
Ballot Land Enterprises Ltd |
Compton Downs |
26821.3 |
30/06/2000 |
Yatama Ngurra Land Enterprises Ltd |
26 Mertin Street |
0.217 |
15/12/2017 |
Maari Ma Health Aboriginal Corporation |
Poolamacca |
50678.9 |
01/02/2002 |
Wilyakali Aboriginal Corporation |
Pooncarie Mission |
249.3 |
Indigenous Land Corporation |
Mawonga |
22257.711 |
10/02/2016 |
Winangakirri Aboriginal Corporation |
Culpra Station |
15884 |
07/08/2013 |
Culpra Milli Aboriginal Corporation |
Jarwonga (Billy Downs) |
6492 |
12/11/2001 |
Billa Downs Aboriginal Corporation |
To see what National Parks are in the Murdi Paaki Region click here
The Murdi Paaki Region holds significant Aboriginal land sites, including: Brewarrina Fish Traps, Lake Mungo, Mount Gunderbooka and Mutawintji.